Since we last spoke, there hasn't been too much to talk about around these parts. I'd say that's a good thing, and just what I needed after a long season and maybe a little too much talking and not enough action.
I'll quickly recap of what I've been up to since I was in Oregon in December. There was CX Nats and that wasn't anything to write home (or on my blog) about. There was Christmas and unwrapping the Perfect Push-Up, which will cure all my problems in this new decade. Ski trip to Wisconsin with Lauren, Mike and Pam, and the Chartiers. I pursued rad skills on cross country skis and it's safe to say that I have much pursuing to do in that department. New Years was great. Old Style, Doritos, Saunas, Fireworks and kicking snowmen. And now I'm fully back in road bike mode and just a few days away from completing my first training block of 2010.
I don't want to count the number of races I entered last year or do a full on recap, but I do feel like I should say a few words about the season. I guess it was a season of what could have been's. Starting in the spring, things were going great(according to my powermeter...) and then I was mowed down with mono and had some decent days on the bike, but never really felt great all season. Cross was a new leaf and it started out great too, with a whole bunch of UCI pts early in the season, only to be derailed by the broken c-bone. So although I got some of the results that I'm most proud of in my relatively short cycling carear, the season still leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth and a lot of could shoulda woulda's...
That's OK though. It has also left me with a new found motivation and understanding for what kind of dedication it takes to be good bike racer. This year I'm clicking it up a notch all across the board. I've got the training plan set. Got motivation for days. Got the goals in writing. And I've been listening to Rap on Pandora.
Good talk. See ya out there.